City Council Meeting

Council Chambers - 2nd floor of City Hall 100 Alabama Avenue NW, Fort Payne, AL, United States

City Council regular meetings are held at 12:30 PM on the first and third Tuesday of each month in the council chambers on the second [ Read More ]

City Council Meeting

Council Chambers - 2nd floor of City Hall 100 Alabama Avenue NW, Fort Payne, AL, United States

City Council regular meetings are held at 12:30 PM on the first and third Tuesday of each month in the council chambers on the second [ Read More ]

June Jam Parade

Downtown Fort Payne

Wednesday, May 29 at 6 PM.  Parade will travel from 8th Street north to 3rd Street south.

June Jam Parade

Downtown Fort Payne

Wednesday, May 29 at 6 PM.  Parade will travel from 8th Street north to 3rd Street south.

City Council Meeting

Council Chambers - 2nd floor of City Hall 100 Alabama Avenue NW, Fort Payne, AL, United States

City Council regular meetings are held at 12:30 PM on the first and third Tuesday of each month in the council chambers on the second [ Read More ]

City Council Meeting

Council Chambers - 2nd floor of City Hall 100 Alabama Avenue NW, Fort Payne, AL, United States

City Council regular meetings are held at 12:30 PM on the first and third Tuesday of each month in the council chambers on the second [ Read More ]